Shafer Heating & Cooling, LLC Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Short-Cycling: A Problem You May Encounter With Your Furnace

Monday, January 16th, 2023

Furnaces are reliable heating systems that can work for many years without running into problems as long as they receive regular professional maintenance. But any complex mechanical device can break, and it’s a good idea to know some of the common ways that your home’s furnace might malfunction. That way, you’ll catch on early that something is wrong and schedule prompt heating repair in Hillsboro, OH with our team. The sooner you detect trouble, the easier it’ll be to fix—and the less chance you’ll end up trapped with a fully broken furnace in the middle of winter.

In this post, we’ll discuss a frequent trouble furnaces may encounter: short-cycling.

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When Is Repairing Your Heater No Longer Worth It?

Monday, December 19th, 2022

Your home must have a heating system in it to help you get through our long winters. Just piling on blankets or using a space heater isn’t enough for Ohio winter weather. But because central heating systems are expensive, you’ll want to keep using your current one for as long as possible. When you run into trouble with your heater, you can always call our technicians to come out and have it repaired.

But at what point do repairs become more expensive than going ahead with a new heating installation in Hillsboro, OH? No heating system will last forever, and continuing to patch up a decrepit older one will eventually become a waste of money, a major inconvenience, and even a safety hazard.

Let’s put a magnifying glass on the question of heating system repairs and the point where they’re no longer a good investment—both in terms of money, comfort, and safety.

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Why Won’t My Furnace Evenly Heat the House?

Monday, December 5th, 2022

The purpose of having a central heating system is to deliver warm, cozy air to all the living space. The standard furnace achieves this through a network of ducts branching out from the furnace and a powerful blower fan to push the warm air along the channels to vents. Although there will be some fluctuations in temperatures, a well-installed central furnace shouldn’t have trouble getting an even heating level to most of the house.

You probably arrived at this blog because your furnace isn’t doing this. It used to, but now when it fires up during the winter, you’re discovering cold spots around the house and rooms that aren’t receiving the comfort they need. What’s happening? We’ll explain some of the possible causes and what you can do about them.

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How Sounds Can Tell You Your Furnace Needs Repairs

Monday, November 21st, 2022

Your gas furnace doesn’t have a computer AI system it can use to alert you to malfunctions. (Although that technology may come along someday.) But there are ways you can detect that something is amiss with your furnace so you can call for repairs before they worsen and leave you with a broken furnace on a cold day.

Unusual sounds are one of the quickest ways to determine a furnace that’s in trouble. Anything out of the ordinary deserves attention, and the following sounds are the most common warning signs…

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Our Tips for Saving Money This Winter With Your Heating

Monday, November 7th, 2022

Running a heating system during our cold winters can run up large bills, but often those utility bills are larger than they need to be. There are many ways to accidentally waste power with your home heating system. We have four tips to help you lower your heating costs this year. Our team is always ready to help when you need assistance with your heating in Hillsboro, OH.

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Troubleshooting a Furnace That Won’t Turn On

Monday, October 24th, 2022

Nobody wants to get trapped in the winter in a house with a furnace that won’t work. There’s good news, however. If you have a failed furnace, you can rely on our team for any heating repair in Hillsboro, OH you may need. We offer 24-hour emergency service to make sure you won’t get stuck for too long with a non-working furnace.

But we also know that you don’t want to have to call us unless you really need to. In some cases, a furnace that won’t turn on or provide any heat has a simple source you can correct on your own. In this post, we’ll go over some of the troubleshooting steps to follow when your furnace isn’t heating your house. 

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Do You Need to Install a New Furnace Before Winter?

Monday, September 26th, 2022
Old furnace in a basement

In our last post, we talked about the importance of scheduling heating maintenance during the fall so you’re prepared for the coming winter. Maintenance does have its limits, however. At some point, the furnace that warms your home and keeps your family safe during cold weather will move beyond where repairs and regular maintenance will do much good. Time for a new furnace.

Is this the fall when you decide to stop maintaining or repairing your furnace and instead invest in a new one? We’ll look at some of the factors that can help you decide about a furnace replacement in Hillsboro, OH.

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It’s That Time: Schedule Maintenance for Your Heating System

Monday, September 12th, 2022

Do you want to think about your home heating system right now? Probably not because the weather is still warm during these fading days of summer—and we may even have some more seriously hot days ahead. But the best time to think about your heating system is when you don’t immediately need it. It’s easy for you to schedule service for your heater to ensure that it will run its best, and it’s far better than making an emergency call in the middle of January.

The service we recommend you arrange for now is regular heating maintenance. Routine HVAC maintenance is one of the most important services that we offer because it does so much to help our customers to get the most from their heating systems while spending the least. 

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